
Hello and welcome to my website!
Are you a parent who is concerned about your child, teen, family, or your own mental health or overall well-being? If life has presented its more difficult challenges, and you've decided to seek the assistance of a trained and qualified helping professional, I commend you for taking this important step toward turning life's challenges into what could become an invaluable learning and growth opportunity.
I'm a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and for more than 15 years, I've specialized in working with kids, teens, parents, & families. By acquiring important skills, tools, and resources, I empower my clients and client families to more effectively manage a wide range of life's challenges so that they can begin to make meaningful advances toward important personal and family goals.
Life has its challenges.
Has life presented your child, or you, with a particularly difficult challenge, for which you are seeking the support and specialized guidance of a trained and qualified helping professional? If so, I want to commend you for taking this important step toward overcoming life's challenges, by visiting my website.
When life presents its more difficult challenges, they can turn into obstacles that interfere with our important personal and family goals. That said, my experience has taught me that, with the right support and guidance, even life's more difficult challenges can end up becoming some of life's most important and invaluable opportunities for learning and growth.
For more than 15 years, I've been providing a broad spectrum of specialized psychological services to children, teens, parents, and families, just like you and yours, to help them acquire important life skills and resources, that strengthen their ability to manage and overcome a wide range of life's challenges.
If you'd like to learn more about how I could help turn your obstacles into exciting and invaluable opportunities, that are already awaiting, I invite you to explore the About and Services pages of my website, or contact me if you would like to schedule a free initial telephone consultation.